
The presentation will be set as a parallel presentation divided into 8 concurrent sessions at the same time, i.e., each session will accommodate 12 presentations session from participants.

Each concurrent session will have a moderator, with one or more committee members in attendance. Oral presentations for the 21st International Conference on ICSD  have been allocated 15 minutes of effective presentation time (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion). One article can only be presented by a presenter, the other authors can register as non-presenters who help in the discussion sessions. Based on allocated presentation time, the presentation file should ideally contain approximately 10–12 PowerPoint slides. You are responsible for the content of your presentation.


The following will be at your disposal, for use during your presentation:

  • Laptop
  • Projector and screen
  • Microphone

All presenters are required to submit their presentation file during registration on the first or second day of the conference, at the submissions desk in front of the auditorium. It is not possible to use your own computer for your presentation.

  • Your presentation file should be in a format compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (or the lates version).
  • Bring your presentation on a USB memory. Facilities will not be provided for other submission methods.
  • We highly recommend that you keep a backup of your presentation file on a second USB memory.